Friday, July 14, 2006


MK tagged me. So here goes...

I am thinking about -

How frightening it is when you're scared of nothing, how freedom really means being shackled of your own accord, how poetry and programming are not too different, and how denial is my primary mode of existence.

I said -

I would come back and I didn't.
" sure to crack stupid jokes. Women like men who crack stupid jokes..."

I want to -

Obtain a Ph.D. in Economics, take up teaching and live one day at a time.
Learn to play the violin.
See the inside of a rain-cloud.

I wish -

I could free my imagination of the bounds that logic imposes.

I miss -

A lot of people than I would care to admit to myself.

I hear -

Waves crashing on a faraway shore in my sleep.

I wonder -

How long it will be before fuel cells dominate the Indian automobile market?

I need -

Zero maintenance, infinite space.

I regret -

The low traffic that my blog generates.

I dance -

That's a lie.

I cry -

Rarely. And alone. And then uncontrollably.

I am not always -


I make with my hands -

Paper boats.

I write -

In English, mostly.

I confuse -

The hot water and the cold water taps.
Compassion and love (the generic kind).

I should try -

Mango milkshake with chocolate ice-cream.
Pickles and idli.
Writing haiku.
Watching more Malayalam movies.

I should finish -

Dr. Zhivago.
One hundred years of solitude.

I know -

Very little.
How to bowl the 'Doosra', the top-spinner, the flipper and the googly.

I am -

Just passing through.

And finally -

"We are where we are at the only time we have." - Shashi Tharoor, 'Riot: A novel'

I tag -

catch 22, STALLION and Srini -- Give it a try guys. Should be fun.


  1. Anonymous2:14 pm

    All blogs are read. The Watchers read them.

  2. Anonymous5:16 am

    Nice. And you had to do it dint you :D

  3. Anonymous1:17 am

    i think that took a lot of thinking....
    do all ur greay cells work all the time...
    but as usual it was a great read

  4. Anonymous8:27 pm

    "How frightening it is when you're scared of nothing, how freedom really means being shackled of your own accord, how poetry and programming are not too different, and how denial is my primary mode of existence."

    These lines were just too good. They are so darn true.

  5. Anonymous8:34 pm

    "I cry -

    Rarely. And alone. And then uncontrollably. "

    Liked the part about uncontrollably.

    Riot, rates as one of my favorite novels. have u read five dollar smile??

  6. Anonymous8:38 pm

    I started One Hundred Years of Solitude. Read about 20 lines before i gave up.

  7. Anonymous10:26 pm

    Mallu movies ?? Hmmm !!

  8. Anonymous7:20 am

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  9. Anonymous2:25 am

    Hey Rajesh,
    Liked reading the little piece of 'you'.

  10. Anonymous10:53 pm

    Time you update ur blog... i m tired of seeing the same "timepass".. MK tagged me... :-( every time i pass by here..

  11. Anonymous7:05 pm

    How about

    I blog about or I post about

    Though evident, you could have included that.

  12. Anonymous1:33 pm

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  13. Anonymous1:34 pm

    hmmm even your timepass results in introspective verses....

    long time! very nice...

    PS: i'd posted the same comment as a different user by mistake.

  14. deiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

    It's a Threat - Start Blogging or else ..............

  15. Absolutely nice!

  16. Glad to know that someone has read "The Riot" and even quotes from it.
