Wednesday, August 15, 2007


your words lie
littering the floor,
like newspapers
flung here and there.

they lounge lazily
on the couch, crowding,
the spaces of my soul,

the way i see myself.

my patience bends,
sweeps them up,
stacks them in a corner
of my memory,
to read later, at leisure,
when i’m tired of us.

i close the door
on you,
slip the latch in place,
locking within
a roomful of anger
that could burn
photographs and promises.

i cook lunch,
wipe the windows clean
of our arguments,
watch the news, and
take out the trash
from my mind.

when evening balds,
i stand on the porch,
anxious for you
to return
your love
at night.

but up in the attic,
newspapers lie
piled up,
a whiff of disillusionment.


  1. Sooper da - i can see u getting back to your old self !!!

  2. Touche !

    Now that is a spectacular use of the metaphor...

  3. karthik

    :-) ... thank you. That comment makes me feel validated.

    I guess I didn't write poetry because my sensibilities were evolving all the time and I couldn't bring myself to like anything I wrote. It was almost as if my tastes had overtaken my skills. But now I just write. Need to keep writing, I guess.


    I somehow had a feeling you'd say that :-)

  4. Anonymous9:17 am

    strikethrough really changed the stanza ..and you didnt lose your original motif either ..good job :)

  5. anonymous

    Honestly, that "lazily" was superfluous. So, I struck it off. But yes, like you say, it does make that stanza flow smoothly.

    Thanks for dropping by.

  6. Anonymous6:21 am

    Hi happened to read very few of ur writings,dude got to admit u got it in u to be a skill full writer.
    Henceforth,i am subscribing to ur writings :).keep flowing


  7. Anonymous11:59 am

    Akhil here.. :D

    this one is really the best of the ones on this page as yet..
    i would not say a lot for the fear of sounding inaccurate.. :)
